Eng: We can use

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We can use connection as a synonym for change that is transmitted or received


We can use hair and skin contact to sense anything that is in direct contact with ourselves


We can use it


We can use it to become unlimited in imaginary space


We can use it to become unlimited in the real


We can use our body in particular ways


We can use our body in such a way (that)


We can use our eyes and ears


We can use our eyes and ears to sense what is in our outer environment


We can use our muscles and connective tissue to resist this force


We can use our skin


We can use our thinking mind to look back on the experience and analyze it


We can use our thinking mind to look back on the experience and break it down


We can use the mental model as a guide to figuring out the source of the problem


We can use the sensations generated by those muscles to sense what is happening inside our body with respect to posture or movement


We can use the word system


We can use this as the idea that pulls or guides us and the way that we use our senses


We can use this idea as a lead or guide


We can use this idea to lead or guide


We can use this knowing to enter the fluid mind-state


We can use this knowing to guide our actions


We can use this knowing to guide what we do


We can use this knowledge to guide what we do


We can use your eyes and ears to sense


We can use connection as a synonym for change that is transmitted or received

We can use hair and skin contact to sense anything that is in direct contact with ourselves

We can use it

We can use it to become unlimited in imaginary space

We can use it to become unlimited in the real

We can use our body in particular ways

We can use our body in such a way (that)

We can use our eyes and ears

We can use our eyes and ears to sense what is in our outer environment

We can use our muscles and connective tissue to resist this force

We can use our skin

We can use our thinking mind to look back on the experience and analyze it

We can use our thinking mind to look back on the experience and break it down

We can use the mental model as a guide to figuring out the source of the problem

We can use the sensations generated by those muscles to sense what is happening inside our body with respect to posture or movement

We can use the word system

We can use this as the idea that pulls or guides us and the way that we use our senses

We can use this idea as a lead or guide

We can use this idea to lead or guide

We can use this knowing to enter the fluid mind-state

We can use this knowing to guide our actions

We can use this knowing to guide what we do

We can use this knowledge to guide what we do

We can use your eyes and ears to sense

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